Friday, February 13, 2015

La Finca

Young Life.  Most of us know these people.  Whether we have supported, volunteered, helped, or attended - I am amazed at how many people have been affected by this organization.  Their vision is simple:
Every adolescent will have the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ and follow Him
What I have recently learned is that this vision expands beyond the boarders of these United States.

This month, I have an opportunity to lead a project team to "La Finca" a ministry of Vida Joven (Young Life).  Since 1988, Young Life has been working in Nicaragua.

Image result for young lifeNicaragua is a country that has experienced "underdevelopment" as a result of natural disasters, wars, and political instability.  One result of these influences is a median age of the population of 24.2 years.  This compares to the median age in the USA of 37.6 years.  In countries where the median population is younger, youth struggle with alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, gang involvement, and apathy regarding their future.  Without hope for a future, and without resources to overcome the desperation of their situation the youth of Nicaragua find themselves floundering.

While the overall situation in the country is overwhelming, Vida Joven seeks to provide an opportunity for the youth of Nicaragua to meet Jesus Christ, offering HOPE.

Vida Joven works in schools and communities building relationships with youth, inviting them to attend Club meetings where they have fun and encounter the wonderful message of the Gospel.  La Finca is an extension of that ministry.  Located in the mountains of Nicaragua and doubling as a working coffee farm, La Finca offers a unique opportunity for the Youth of Nicaragua where they can escape the struggles, heat, and desperation of the City and experience the beauty of God's creation, great food, extreme fun, adults who care for them as individuals, and the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ.
Many of us remember our summer camp experiences.  Imagine if along with all the other memories you have, you add the first time you saw a flush toilet, or the first time you had three meals a day?  This creates a wonderful opportunity for youth.

Here is a You Tube video about the camp:

The eMi design team will be supporting the ministry of La Finca by assisting with three specific technical issues they are facing.

  1. A pedestrian bridge - the camp is split up by a lake
  2. Drainage/sediment control - during the wet season, there is a large sediment load that fills up the lake.
  3. Graphic design for the Camp Master Plan - As the camp looks to the future with their Master Plan, it will be helpful to have a three dimensional model.
We have a team of 12 of us who will travel to Nicaragua from the 21st to the 28th of February.  I will be trying to provide some blog updates as we move through the week, so keep an eye out for that!

I would really appreciate your prayers for our team as they seek to give of themselves, and learn more about what God is doing in Nicaragua.

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