Sometimes I wonder why God gives us these times of deeper understanding. Seems like they come and go, sometimes I feel like I get it, other times I feel like I completely wasted an opportunity to learn more about God.
This morning I was reading "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. He was talking about the relationship between "mountain top" experiences and the ordinary "gray" days of life. How do we take the things that we learn on the mountain tops and apply it to the ordinary lives that we live everyday? I doubt that God gives us those glimpses of Himself just for us to forget and return to our distracted lives.
Anyway, while I was watching water fall, watching water rise, watching water drip, pour, mist, puddle, stream, I thought about just how prevalent water is. I was impressed by how similar that is to Gods love. It is everywhere, it never stops, it breaks us down, it lifts us up, it helps us grow, it sustains us, it sneaks into places we never intended, it knocks us down, it warms us up.
Like all analogies, this one has its limits. But for me, as a Water Engineer, it serves to make me stop and think every time I see, feel or hear water (which is often). As an engineer, there is a part of me that is wired to try to take the natural world and harness, control, focus, and use it. Looking back at mans attempts to harness, control, focus, and use water, I see successes and failures. How is it that we try to harness, control focus and use Gods love? Are we supposed to? or is Gods love supposed to be left alone?
Toady is the 16th of April, and water is falling on Central Oregon in the form of Snow. Sometimes Gods love does not come in the form that we think it should. Sometimes we don't recognize God's love for what it is. It is cold and hard. Sometimes I need reminded that it is still Gods love even if I don't like it......