About the Burgi's

I imagine that if you have found our blog, you know something about us.  The purpose of this blog is not so much to tell about us, but to tell the story of what God is doing in our lives.  We hope that in hearing (reading) our stories, you will find encouragement to look for what God is doing in your life.
Joanna and Rachel

Jon and Wanda have three kids, Matthew, Joanna and Rachel.  Here is a picture of the two girls, no, Matthew is not hiding in the snowman.  He is 14 and a little hard to get to stop long enough to get a picture.

Through the years, I have worked as an engineer, and I have worked in full time ministry as a Youth Pastor.  It would appear that in this next phase of life, God will have me joining ministry and engineering together.  I am excited to be able to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ as I seek to meet some of the real physical needs of the less fortunate.

We are in the process of joining staff with Engineering Ministries International (eMi).  I have been on a could short term project trips with eMi in the the past three years.  You can find information on the trips and on eMi throughout this blog.

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