I recently returned from a trip to El Salvador with Engineering Ministries International. If I were an accomplished blogger, I would have sent updates while on the trip. Needless to say I am not an accomplished blogger, and I honestly had better things to do in country than write blog updates.....
I am sure I will have other posts telling various stories about my time in El Salvador. The story for this post comes from our last night in country. There were 7 of us from EMI and another 12 or so from Envision Wired all sitting in a circle sharing our experiences of the last week. We were to answer three questions: 1) What is the most memorable thing that happened this past week? 2) What was a time that you were discouraged this past week? 3) Why did God have you here this past week?
My answer to the first question had something to do with Coconut Ice cream (maybe a story for another day). It was the last two questions that pretty much floored me that night. Part of my response for question 2 was that I was discouraged that I hadn't heard a clear call from God while in El Salvador regarding my future involvement with EMI (should I be on full time staff). I have been seeking God's direction for quite sometime on this, and I thought it would be great to have a clear call from God while I was on the trip. It didn't happen. No verses stood out, no lights or voices from heaven, no dreams, etc, etc. While sharing this, I ended up a crying mess.
Question 3 came around and I was honestly too emotionally spent to share my answer. But as soon as the question was raised, why are you here, I knew the answer - "Obedience". So, then I had to ask myself - "If I am here out of obedience to what God has called me, then why am I asking for direction? You can't be obedient unless you have been given direction."
Upon returning home and talking with Wanda, we both felt that it is time to move forward and apply to EMI for a full time staff position. Neither Wanda or I know the when, where, or how of this step; only that we are taking this step obediently following Jesus.