Wednesday, January 8, 2014


family meeting How to Use a Family Meeting as a Discipline Tool

Last Sunday night we had a "family meeting" at the Burgi house.  We had asked the kids to spend a few days thinking and praying about the possibility of dad joining full time staff with eMi, which would create MANY changes in our lives. We ended those days sitting on the couch in the living room processing through our thoughts, fears, questions and ponderings.

In the end we all agreed that God is active in our lives, that He has been leading us in this direction for a few years now, and that out of obedience to Him, we will act.  We will go where He leads.

Hebrews 11:8 "...And he went out, not knowing where he was going."

So it feels like we have made one decision that puts to rest one question.  However, in answering that one question, I think we opened up about a million other questions.  Since that meeting, Matthew has been a wonderful source of new questions.  There are so many things that we just don't know.  In our devotions, we recently came across:
Isaiah 52:12 "...for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard."

That is a wonderful reminder that God is actively going before us.  Even though we don't know where we are going or how we will get there, we know that God is already there preparing that place for us.  The other comfort for us in this verse is that God is our rear guard.  As we consider the realities of leaving our home, friends, church, school, work, etc, it is comforting to know that God is guarding what we have left.  None of these things is left un-cared for or un-protected.  We can confidently keep our eyes forward to what God is preparing.

Matthew 6:33  "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."