Friday, September 26, 2014

Day One - Denver, CO to Lima, Peru

Part of our team completed day 1 yesterday.  This is what we can call the "Advance" team.  This team is made up of our project leader Gary MacPhee, interns Josiah Moore and Su Hwan Lee, volunteer Brent Ellingson from Canada, and myself.  The purpose of the advance team is to spend a day assisting a local ministry here in Lima with some construction management/oversight.

I will try to get some updates out everyday, but no promises......

Our day yesterday started with an 8am flight out of DIA, and ended with a 12:20am arrival (delayed until 1:00am) in Lima.  It was a long day, but connections worked, baggage arrived, and we all still had some humor in us when we arrived in Lima.  Alex and Christian (from the ministry) waited for us at the airport and got us back to the ministry.

This morning I woke up to these views out our second story window.

The ministry is located at the base of the foothills to the west of Lima.  Last night, we drove through some very thick fog to get to the ministry, and this morning it looks like we will have lots of pictures of low clouds....

The ministry that we are working with this morning is called "Peru Missions".  You can check out their web page and learn about some of the work that they are doing.  Our time here will be spent:
  • Observing their current construction project (a dorm and the New Life Childrens Home), documenting the project with photos and measurements, and reviewing plans construction records for the next steps.
  • Tour the other buildings of the children's home, church and school
  • Look over the new land and talk about new school ideas for that land.
The rest of our team will be spending today traveling from all over the United States as well as from the U.K.  Very early in the morning tomorrow (3am), we will get a ride back to the airport where we will meet the rest of our team and we will all fly out of Lima at 5am on our way to Cusco.

  • Safe travel yesterday for the advance team.  Josiah was the carrier of the total station (survey equipment) and did a great job being patient with the customs officers as they tried to figure out what to do with him.
  • Some good sleep and a nice warm shower this morning.  We were all able to sleep well for five hours or so this morning, and the ministry here has a nice facility to house us.
Prayer requests:
  • Safe travel for the rest of the team
  • As we observe the construction to date, and look at what the ministry is trying to do, pray that we would:
    • hear their heart for those that they are reaching
    • that we would catch the vision 
    • that communication would not be a barrier
    • that we would be able to make wise judgments regarding our assessment of the construction.
For those of you that enjoy geography and knowing where everything is, here is a link that should take you to a google map of where we are:

1 comment:

  1. So good to see the fotos! You are actually due EAST of Lima. Yes, the wonderful "garua" of the Peruvian coast - if only they could get the moisture out of it to water the desert. We are praying that all arrive safely and that today you will have a good day with the Peru Mission that might lead to additional networking in the ffuture.
