Monday, February 23, 2015

La Finca - Day 3

We are coming to the end of day numbero 3.

Our three separate teams have started working on their individual tasks.

  • After spending some time walking the site with some of the Young Life staff, the Architectural/Graphics team have begun building the Sketch Up model.  This will allow the Camp staff to begin visualizing what proposed improvement might look like.

Jamal, CK, and Janine working away
  • Our bridge team started by digging a test pit in the bottom of the drained lake.  The information gathered here will define the bearing capacity of the soil as the bridge team sizes the footing for a pier.
Colter - taking notes on the soils conditions
  • The bridge team then got busy doing some pre-design so that we could quickly get to a cost analysis.  By the end of the day, they had prepared a cost analysis for a couple bridge options so that tomorrow morning we can meet with the Young Life leaders and make a decision on the type of bridge we will design.
Colter and Ian reviewing design approaches

  • Throughout the day, the bridge team met with Joey (Young Life) to make sure we were all tracking the same speed. 

Joey and Brian talking through the details of deck width

  •  Brand new to services offered by EMI - Coffee packing!  Two of our team members spent the day helping roast and pack coffee!
Alli and Lesley roasting and packing away!
  • The stormwater/drainage team spent most of the day walking the two creeks that feed into the lake looking for various sources of sediment.  They will continue to work with the camp staff to provide options for how to manage the land to decrease soil

Laura and Jamey stiring up the sediment and taking a water sample.

  •  Coffee is one of the ways that Young Life in Nicaragua sends kids to camp!  All proceeds from the sale of coffee goes to sending young Nicaraguans to camp.  Check out this link, and buy some coffee! -  Or, if you a couple of you want, I might be convinced to bring some back for you.

Coffee plants here on La Finca.
Overall, the team is working wonderfully together.  Today, there were a number of things happening here at camp, from workers building the new dinning hall to the coffee workers processing beans that had been picked.  It has been good for our team to spread around the camp and see some of the ministry that happens here even when there aren't any youth on site.

God is working in our team as we once again see how we each bring our own skills and gifts.  This evening we shared a devotion on the Body of Christ.  It is always amazing to me how these EMI teams become a wonderful expression of the Body of Christ.  We encourage one another, challenge one another, learn from one another, teach one another, serve one another, and love one another.  Hopefully a good challenge for each of us to think about how we do this in our local churches.

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